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Delegation of Chungcheongnam-do and Buyeo County Government of South Korea Visited HangKe Technology Incorporated Company in Hangzhou,China.
文章来源: 发布时间:2023-07-14 阅读:3797 次

On the morning of July 4, 2023, a delegation representing the government of Chungcheongnam-do and Buyeo County in South Korea visited Hangke Technology Inc. in Zhejiang. The purpose was to foster a constructive dialogue on Hangke's current business development in Buyeo and its future prospects, with the shared goal of advancing technological industrialization.

During the signing ceremony, Chairman Cao Ji of Hangke Group, Governor KIM TAE HEUM of Chungcheongnam-do, and Governor PARK JUNG HYUN of Buyeo County delivered speeches and jointly signed the agreement, symbolizing the commitment of both parties to collaboration.


Hangke highly values its customers in South Korea, as the country holds a leading position in lithium battery technology. Buyeo County, with its rich historical heritage and convenient transportation, provides an ideal locations. Through mutual efforts, Chairman Cao hopes to promote the smooth operation of projects and factories, while also fostering a long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation between the two regions, playing an active role in facilitating exchanges and collaboration.Also 

further investments in Buyeo County will provide a solid foundation for the company's further global expansion plans in the future.

During the meeting, Governor KIM TAE HEUM of Chungcheongnam-do introduced the favorable resource conditions, industrial foundation, and socio-economic development of Buyeo County in Chungcheongnam-do. He expressed heartfelt gratitude for Hangke Technology's investment in Buyeo County. Governor KIM TAE HEUM acknowledged Hangke Technology as a global leader in lithium battery post-process equipment supply and emphasized the significance of their establishment in Buyeo County as a crucial driving force for its future development.
Governor KIM TAE HEUM highlighted the longstanding friendship between China and South Korea and expressed the desire to further strengthen practical cooperation with Hangke Technology. He expressed the hope for expanding collaborative exchanges and cooperation at a larger scale, broader scope, and higher level, aiming to achieve mutual benefits, win-win outcomes, and shared prosperity.
Governor PARK JUNG HYUN of Buyeo County stated that the collaboration between Buyeo County and Hangke Technology will promote extensive exchanges and cooperation in economic and cultural domains. He expressed the desire for both parties to work together, create more opportunities, and continue nurturing friendly and fruitful communication.

Following the speeches, a signing ceremony for the MOU took place with the representatives of both China and South Korea. A group photo was took to commemorate the occasion. Governors from South Korea pledged their economic and administrative support to the construction and operation of Hangke's factory in Buyeo County, as well as the future acquisition of local certifications. They expressed their hopes that this project would serve as a catalyst to deepen cooperation and expand exchanges in various fields between the two sides.

After the signing ceremony, our company cordially invited the South Korean government delegation to visit the production workshop of Hangke Technology, where we introduced the delegation to our latest technological products. The Korean delegation expressed their gratitude for our sincerity and highly praised Hangke Technology for its production and manufacturing environment, development scale, and technical expertise.